Kalyan Infotech proves to be the best solution for you. The services offered by Kalyan Infotech Web Development Company, such as payment gateway and many more.
- Banner Designing
- Brochure Designing
- CD Presentation
- Content Management System
- Database (MySQL,MsSQL,MsAccess)
- Ecommerce Portal
- Ecommerce Shopping Cart
- Flash Development
- Link Building
- LOGO Designing
- Online Ad Revenue Generating
- Online Content
- Online Marketing
- Online Payment Gateway (VISA/MASTERCARD)
- Online Payment Gateway (INDIAN Banks)
- Outsourcing Development
- Portal Designing
- Portal Development
- Portal Management
- Readymade solution for Matrimonial, Jobs, Classifieds, Hosting Companies, Real Estate Companies,MLM Companies, Jewellery Companies, BPO Companies, Computer Hardware shops and many more to have a live demo contact us.
- Reseller Web hosting
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Ranking
- SMS Services
- Software Development ( VB, DotNET based and online based)
- Computer Consumables/Hardware/ Rentals/ Spares/Services
- Domain Name Registration/ Renewal / Transfer
- Email Hosting
- Web Hosting
- Web Programming ( ASP/ASPDotNET/ PHP/ JSP)
- Web Site Management
- Website Designing/ Redesigning/ Maintainence